Monday, February 27, 2017
Project 5 Service
You are to find a non profit organization that interests you in some way. You may find one on, click under "organizations". You may also try If there is a local non profit that could benefit from some design work, then by all means pick one, as they might be interested in your finished work. The best projects will come out of picking an organization you have some interest in.
You are to create a one page poster that will serve as an advertisement for a specefic event or attraction of your chosen non-profit. Go to the webpage of the non-profit you are interested and see what kind of fund-raisers or outreach events are scheduled year to year.
What is due and when?
By 3/1 (MWF), 3/2 (TR), send me a link to the website of the event you have chosen with a 250 word essay that describes your personal reasoning for your choice. In your essay explain how your poster idea will address the needs of the client and would attract people to attend the event. You must also include three posters that you have found on the web that serve as inspiration for your design. (worth 25 percent of the grade)
Final Due date 3/20 (MWF)/ 3/21 (TR) (75 percent of your grade) due at beginning of class. Provide instructor with an exported PDF of your poster.
Design Limits:
- Your poster must be 11 x 17" It must contain any information relevant to the event (location, dates, tickets, etc) .
- All work must be original.
- Must be done primarily in Illustrator
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Friday, February 17, 2017
Project 3 Group Critique
Form Groups of 3 - Presne4t your work, Collect emails, and email your work to each member of your group. Then fill out this form.
- Identify some of the points of emphasis in the work you noticed first (i.e., specific scene, figure, movement).
- Does the work remind you of other things the artist did not mention, such as your own experience (i.e., analogy or metaphor)?
- What qualities of the work make you feel it is a success?
- Offer a suggestion for the artist about how to improve or expand his/her ideas
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Project 4 Vector
Take an image of an object that you own that you are fond of. Something that is of particular importance to you. The object should be not too easy or not too complex. You will place this photo into illustrator and trace it using the shape and pen tools in Illustrator in class.
You should understand the following Illustrator basics, the move tool, the direct selection tool, lasso, pen tool, convert anchor point, brush/penicl, shape building, mesh tool, color palette,
Your tool could be a plant, a tool, something from the antique store, just something that you think is interesting looking visually. It is recommended you bring a couple ideas to class. Remember you will be rebuilding these objects in Illustrator with drawing and shape stacking.
Project due: end class of Tuesday 2/28 (TR class) and Monday 2/27 (MWF class)
Please bring an image of an object(s) you care about to class on Mon or Tues next week
Final works must include a graphic background, shading, and completed fill coloring.
Please bring an image of an object(s) you care about to class on Mon or Tues next week
Final works must include a graphic background, shading, and completed fill coloring.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Thursday, February 2, 2017
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